The combination of Publisher:Offer:SKU:Version is the image URN and uniquely identifies the image to be used.įor example, RedHat:RHEL:8-LVM:0318 refers to a RHEL 8.1 LVM-partitioned image built on March 18, 2020. To see the full set of available Red Hat images in Azure, use the az vm image list command: az vm image list -publisher RedHat -all -output tableĪzure organizes VM images by publisher, offer, SKU, and version. You can get the full set of available VM images by using the Azure CLI, PowerShell, and API.

When you search for Red Hat in Azure Marketplace or when you create a resource in the Azure portal, you see only some of the available RHEL images. For any problem related to RHEL images in Azure Marketplace, file a support ticket with Microsoft.