Unable to locate adb android studio mac os
Unable to locate adb android studio mac os

unable to locate adb android studio mac os unable to locate adb android studio mac os unable to locate adb android studio mac os

I have tried all adb related solutions on this site like Then at event log it shows me "Emulator: emulator: ERROR: AdbHostServer.cpp:102: Unable to connect to adb daemon on port: 5037" The first thing it tells me is "unable to locate adb" then it shows me a file showing: "The ADB binary found at C:\Users\CHINEZ\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe is obsolete and has seriousperformance problems with the Android Emulator.Please update to a newer version to get significantly faster app/file transfer.(it as well partly displays the emulator) So far,I've setup my Android Sdk well enough and the Platform_tools folder is up to date(including the full adb setup) But each time i try to run my Emulator(Nexus 5 API 21), i get an Error I'm 2 months into Android Studio,I run the latest version(4.0.1 for Windows 64-bit) to be precise and also run the latest gradle offline build dependencies.

Unable to locate adb android studio mac os